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​الخطة السنوية​

مواصفةالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
معدات الحماية الشخصية من السقوط - حمّالات الإنقاذ البيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This standard specifies requirements, test methods, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer for rescue harnesses. Rescue harnesses conforming to this standard are used as components of rescue systems, which are personal fall protection systems.
Rescue harnesses are not intended to be used as body holding devices in fall arrest systems.
EN 1497:200704/01/2023
معدات الحماية الشخصية من السقوط - أطواق الإنقاذالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies requirements, test methods, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer for rescue loops.
Rescue loops conforming to this Standard are used as components of rescue systems.
EN 1498:200604/01/2023
معدات الحماية الشخصية من السقوط - حمّالات لوضعية الجلوسالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies requirements, testing, marking and information to be supplied by the manufacturer for sit harnesses to be used in restraint, work positioning and rope access systems, where a low point of attachment is required.
Sit harnesses are not suitable to be used for fall arrest purposes.
EN 813:200804/01/2023
معدات الحماية الشخصية من السقوط عن علو - حمّالات  لكامل الجسمالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, marking, information supplied by the manufacturer and packaging for full body harnesses. Other types of body support, specified in other Standards.
EN 361:200204/01/2023
معدات الحماية الشخصية من السقوط عن علو - عناصر التوصيلالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer for connectors. Connectors conforming to this document are used as connecting elements in personal fall protection systems, i.e. fall arrest, work positioning, rope access, restraint and rescue systems.
EN 362:200404/01/2023
Personal fall protection equipment - Personal fall protection systemsالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies the general characteristics and assembly of personal fall protection systems. It gives examples for the specific types of personal fall protection systems and describes how components may be assembled into systems.
EN 363:201804/01/2023
ملابس الحماية من الجسيمات الصلبة المحمولة في الهواء بما في ذلك التلوث الإشعاعي - الجزء الاول: المتطلبات وطرق الاختبار لملابس الحماية المزودة بالهواء بواسطة خط هواء مضغوط لحماية الجسم والجهاز التنفسيالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for protective clothing, ventilated by an independent supply of air from an uncontaminated source, protecting the body and the respiratory system of the wearer against solid airborne particles including radioactive contamination.

This kind of protective clothing can be provided with an emergency breathing facility.
This Standard does not apply for the protection against ionizing radiation and the protection of patients against contamination with radioactive substances by diagnostic and/or therapeutic measures
ملابس الحماية - واقيات الرسغ وكف اليد والركبة والمرفق لمستخدمي معدات رياضات التزلج على العجلات - المتطلبات وطرق الاختبارالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This specifies the requirements and test methods for ergonomics, innocuousness, comfort, restraint, strength, abrasion, impact performance as well as provisions for marking and instructions supplied by the manufacturer for wrist, palm, knee and elbow protectors (hereinafter referred to as protectors) for all users of roller sports equipment.
It does not apply to protectors used in roller sports hockey.
واقيات الركبة و المرفق للرياضات الداخلية - متطلبات السلامة وطرق الاختبارالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for ergonomics, sizing, adjust/restraint performance and impact performance of knee and elbow protectors used for indoor sports, e.g. volleyball and handball.
It applies for knee and elbow protectors to be used on smooth and level floors without mats.
ملابس الحماية - واقيات اليد والذراع والصدر والبطن والساق والأعضاء التناسلية والوجه للمبارزين - المتطلبات وطرق الاختبارالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies the general requirements for ergonomics, sizing, coverage and performance of protective clothing and equipment for use in the sport of fencing. Requirements for the marking of clothing and equipment and the information to be supplied by the manufacturer are given. Test methods are described and performance levels are defined.
ملابس الحماية - السترات الواقية وواقيات الجسم والكتف المستخدمة للفروسية ولركابي الخيول والذين يعملون مع الخيول ولسائقي عربات الخيول - المتطلبات وطرق الاختبارالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This document specifies the requirements and test methods for the coverage, sizing, adaptability and adjustability, restraint, ergonomics, construction, innocuousness, and performance under impact to be provided by protective jackets, body and shoulder protectors to be worn by children, youths and adults of either sex while riding horses, working with horses, driving horses or being a passenger in a horse driven vehicle.

These protectors are intended to provide some protection against impacts due to falls from horses and vehicles, and impacts while on the ground due to a fall, or while working with a horse. Impacts may be against the ground or objects such as trees or vehicles, or impacts may be due to kicks or being trodden on.

The protectors covered by this standard are not intended to provide complete protection against injuries in accidents involving severe torsion, flexion or extension. Requirements for marking and the provision of information are given.
ملابس الحماية - واقيات قصبة الساق للاعبي كرة القدم - المتطلبات وطرق الاختبارالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies the general requirements for the ergonomics, innocuousness, sizing, coverage, performance, and cleaning of association football players' shin guards. Test methods are described and performance levels are defined. Requirements for the marking of shin guards and the information to be supplied with them are given.
المختبرات الطبية - متطلبات جمع ونقل واستلام ومعالجة العينات تكنولوجيا الرعاية الصحيةالطب المخبري
ISO/TS 20658:2017 specifies requirements and good practice recommendations for the collection, transport, receipt and handling of samples intended for medical laboratory examinations.
ISO/TS 20658:201703/10/2022
ملابس الحماية لراكبي الدراجات النارية - الجزء الخامس: ملابس الفئة (B) - المتطلباتالبيئة، الحمايةالصحية، السلامةمعدات الحماية
This Standard specifies general requirements for motorcyclists’ protective garments of Class B: protective garments, which are intended to provide limited protection to the wearer against abrasion injury. It applies to protective garments for motorcycle on-road use.
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